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Aspire to grow your business? The benefits of exploring new revenue streams

If you ask many business owners, they will freely admit that things haven’t always worked out the way they planned! Sometimes the most successful businesses end up on a different course to the one they originally set out on or expanding their business into areas they probably never even considered at the outset.

In fact the ability to respond to demands [...]

May 31, 2016
Rachel Mallett
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Generate new sales leads

How to generate new sales leads

Every business owner wants to create new sales leads, and there are proven ways to do this. However, there are also pitfalls in this area of business, particularly for small businesses, so let’s look at how getting new sales leads can be a regular part of your work.

The most effective way to generate new sales leads is the most obvious [...]

August 28, 2015
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Make the most of business opportunities

Make the most of business opportunities

Your business is presented with countless opportunities every day, but chances are you miss most of them. Make a few changes, and you can make the most of business opportunities as they arise – while creating new ones along the way!

In order to thrive, every business needs to capitalise on every possibility for making sales, reducing costs, and reaching customers. [...]

November 28, 2014
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How to increase your customer base

How to increase your customer base

Elsewhere on this site we’ve discussed the importance of maximising your customers. If you’re not sure of how to increase your customer base, you might be glad to know it’s not a dark art – a little planning and common sense can pay off handsomely.

The process of widening the reach of your business is fundamentally one of marketing, but that [...]

November 12, 2014
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Classic Monsters

Business development with Classic Monsters

Agenda has worked with businesses of all kinds over the years, and although we’ve found some business horror stories, we’ve always tried to turn them into happy endings. Our business development work with Classic Monsters, though, showed us that sometimes, it’s good to keep things horrible…

Classic Monsters set out with lofty ambitions to become the ultimate online horror resource. Wait [...]

August 22, 2014
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Finding new customers

Finding new customers – yes, you DO need them!

We’ve already addressed the importance of making the most of your existing clients, and it’s true that your current client base represents a great way to keep your business running. However, it’s not as simple as that – finding new customers is essential for both the short- and long-term growth of your business.

When you’ve built up a client base which [...]

August 22, 2014
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Finding new customers is important - but how important?

New customers… do I need them?

Cashflow is the lifeblood of a business. And in order to have cashflow, you need clients. But where are they? You might be looking too hard for the Next Big Contract or, more specifically, new customers.

Chances are, you already know the concept of fishing on the other side of the boat. Look in a different marketplace and you’ll find plenty [...]

July 31, 2014
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