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The Case for Staff Retention

In today’s competitive business environment, staff retention has become more important than ever. The cost of staff turnover can be significant, and with wages being higher than they have ever been, these costs are getting higher. Retaining talented employees is key for organisations to maintain profitability and continuity.

Here we look at some of the key factors involved and they can [...]

May 14, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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Time for a Team Talk?

Business owners know that having an effective team is essential for a successful business. A motivated and supportive team is often the ‘lifeblood’ of a business that helps keep the wheels turning on a day-to-day basis, whilst continually driving towards achieving business goals.

There are many elements involved in having a team that works well and members that are able to [...]

September 10, 2023
Rachel Mallett
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Show your Employees Some Love

It is often said that employees are a company’s greatest asset. A recent study conducted by the University of Warwick found that when employees are happy, their productivity increases by 12%. With this month being Valentine’s Day, it’s a great time to show your employees some extra appreciation. Here are some suggestions of a few simple ways to do this…

Invest [...]

February 16, 2023
Rachel Mallett
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What Employees Want – How to Attract and Retain Talent

In the competitive world of attracting employees is today’s job market, there is definitely something to be said for considering your employee packages. With this in mind, its time to rip up the standard job description – and get creative!

Be flexible

One silver lining of the Covid pandemic has been the normalisation of flexible working and remote working. Employers that did [...]

October 22, 2021
Rachel Mallett
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Keeping up team morale amid the second wave

Keeping team morale up amid the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to have been one of the biggest challenges faced by employers.

Although some employees may be enjoying the prolonged period of working from home, it’s worth noting that not all team members or their home environments are suited to remote working. Quite rightly, mental health has been highlighted as a potential [...]

November 9, 2020
Rachel Mallett
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What steps are you taking to encourage employee wellbeing?

According to a recent study, four in ten UK adults are ‘close to breaking point’ at work. The survey by the CABA found that employees lose an average of 5 hours of sleep each week because of the pressures they face at work, while also uncovering that the average working adult feels stressed for almost a third of their [...]

November 15, 2019
Rachel Mallett
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Stop! Employee Issues Ahead…

The majority of businesses rely heavily on their employees and when things are running smoothly, it can be easy to take the formalities for granted. However, keeping on top of employee-related matters stands you in good stead…A business is only ever as good as its people, and where there are issues with employees, it can be difficult to prevent a [...]

August 10, 2019
Rachel Mallett
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Profiling for performance

Profiling potential members of staff during the recruitment process can really help to see whether an individual has the right skills and personal attributes to be able to not only deliver the job at hand, but also fit in with the culture and unique nature of your organisation. This is something we recently touched upon in our blog about getting [...]

November 8, 2018
Rachel Mallett
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Engage your staff and watch your profits soar!

We all want employees to share our passion for our company mission, applying just as much time, effort and care as we do as business owners. But most of the time, this just doesn’t happen. Although many staff care about their jobs, creating true engagement is hard to achieve.

So what could you do to better engage your staff and in [...]

June 7, 2018
Rachel Mallett
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Have you got the right people on the bus?

Over the years of working with businesses of all shapes, sizes and types, people problems is one of the most commonly occurring themes when a business runs into issues.

Most people who set up businesses do so with an end goal in mind. Whatever that ‘final destination’ is,
if you don’t have the right people on board, it will almost certainly [...]

October 5, 2017
Rachel Mallett
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