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Aspire to grow your business? The benefits of exploring new revenue streams

If you ask many business owners, they will freely admit that things haven’t always worked out the way they planned! Sometimes the most successful businesses end up on a different course to the one they originally set out on or expanding their business into areas they probably never even considered at the outset.

In fact the ability to respond to demands [...]

May 31, 2016
Rachel Mallett
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New tax year – time for a spring clean!

It’s April which means that spring is finally around the corner! April also heralds the start of a new tax year and also the start of a new financial year for many businesses. Whatever April 6th means for your business, the dawn of a new tax year signals a fresh, blank page. For the majority of business owners, the start [...]

April 7, 2016
Rachel Mallett
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Not another budget blog…

The past few days has been all about the budget. Since George Osborne delivered his speech last Wednesday, business websites and publications have been awash with advice articles and information about what each individual change will mean for businesses and individuals. But before you navigate away from this page, this blog isn’t another one of them! Budgeting isn’t just for [...]

March 21, 2016
Rachel Mallett
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Common business problems

Common business problems – and how to address them

However great your product, team and customer service, there are ALWAYS going to be challenges. Many of the common business problems have a tendency to disguise themselves as something else, making it difficult to see where you might be going wrong.

Failure to understand your market is one of the most common business problems, but often disguises itself as innovation. If [...]

January 11, 2016
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How to adapt to business changes

How to adapt to business changes – don’t be left behind!

It’s as true in the business world as it is in the animal kingdom… change is inevitable, and only those who evolve can survive. The question of how to adapt to business changes seems complex, but a few simple rules can really help here.

Every business has to undergo transitions of one kind or another. We live in an environment of [...]

November 24, 2015
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How to stay motivated as a business owner

How to stay motivated as a business owner

Business is about moving forward – if you’re only treading water, you’ll soon find yourself way behind everybody else. Sometimes, though, it seems that this is easier said than done, so we’ve devised some great tips on how to stay motivated as a business owner.

By its very nature, your role as a business owner makes you a leader, even if [...]

October 29, 2015
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Business consultancy keeping businesses healthy

Business consultancy from Agenda – keeping businesses healthy inside and out

Some people don’t think they need business consultancy services from Agenda – they know their business best, and they’re not having someone else tell them how to run things. I think differently…

One of the key obstacles I encounter in my role as a business consultant is an over-protectiveness on the part of business owners. Deep down, they know that external [...]

August 4, 2015
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Business development for SMEs

Business development for SMEs in Lancashire

Agenda was founded with the intention of aiding business development for SMEs, and over the years we’ve seen companies in all kinds of industries go from strength to strength through forward planning, smart decision making, and good old fashioned hard work.

And while the advice and support we offer is always unique to every client, there are some principles which are [...]

May 14, 2015
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Why a business plan is important

Why a business plan is important

We live in an age of entrepreneurship. The abundance of business resources and new opportunities out there means that everywhere you turn, it seems like everyone and his auntie is launching The Next Big Thing. But just having an idea isn’t enough, so it’s time to explore why a business plan is important.

The process of developing a business plan is [...]

March 18, 2015
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