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Ways to retain staff

Ways to retain staff

Whether it’s at the highest corporate level, or for the most apparently menial job, it’s important to find ways to retain staff. In a competitive marketplace, though, every business owner faces challenges in this respect.

It doesn’t matter how many employees your company has – whether it’s two or two thousand, you’re faced with the same worries about staff retention. Ways [...]

January 29, 2016
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How to create a harmonious workplace

How to create a harmonious workplace

The idea of a happy workplace doesn’t have to be pie-in-the-sky, but in far too many cases, small issues can create big problems. Taking action in advance, and having strategies in place to address issues, can help you create a harmonious workplace.

The most important step is to create and maintain a culture of openness in your organisation. If the members [...]

September 28, 2015
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Why staff training is important

Why staff training is important

The right mix of people is essential, but it doesn’t stop there. Developing your team through training enables you to get the best out of your employees – let’s look at why staff training is important for every business.

Of course, the most obvious benefit of staff training is that it enables your employees to do their jobs more effectively – [...]

February 15, 2015
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Effective recruitment

Effective recruitment and team retention

For many business owners, the secret of effective recruitment is an elusive one. Skills overlap, personalities clash, and you can spent far too much of your time recruiting, and not enough getting on with the job. But there’s a solution.

Psychometric Analysis is a specialist service offered by Agenda, and can transform the way you look at your team. It’s probably [...]

August 29, 2014
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