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Wider business influences – what a PEST!

With the pending EU referendum and wider global economic uncertainty, the summer has started off on an unsteady footing for many businesses. This got us thinking here at Agenda… Whilst you may be doing everything right in your business internally; putting growth plans in place, keeping a tight grip on your finances, developing innovative solutions for your customers and generally [...]

June 14, 2016
Rachel Mallett
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New tax year – time for a spring clean!

It’s April which means that spring is finally around the corner! April also heralds the start of a new tax year and also the start of a new financial year for many businesses. Whatever April 6th means for your business, the dawn of a new tax year signals a fresh, blank page. For the majority of business owners, the start [...]

April 7, 2016
Rachel Mallett
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Win a business consultation with Agenda

Win a tasty business consultation with Agenda

Business life is tough, and we’re all glad of some support and guidance when it’s available – especially when it’s free!

Today’s challenging marketplaces mean it’s more important than ever to keep your business on track. In the whirlwind of decision-making, networking and simply getting the job done, it can be difficult to know where to turn for advice.

That’s why Agenda’s [...]

September 29, 2015
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Business consultancy keeping businesses healthy

Business consultancy from Agenda – keeping businesses healthy inside and out

Some people don’t think they need business consultancy services from Agenda – they know their business best, and they’re not having someone else tell them how to run things. I think differently…

One of the key obstacles I encounter in my role as a business consultant is an over-protectiveness on the part of business owners. Deep down, they know that external [...]

August 4, 2015
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Business development for SMEs

Business development for SMEs in Lancashire

Agenda was founded with the intention of aiding business development for SMEs, and over the years we’ve seen companies in all kinds of industries go from strength to strength through forward planning, smart decision making, and good old fashioned hard work.

And while the advice and support we offer is always unique to every client, there are some principles which are [...]

May 14, 2015
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Finding new customers is important - but how important?

New customers… do I need them?

Cashflow is the lifeblood of a business. And in order to have cashflow, you need clients. But where are they? You might be looking too hard for the Next Big Contract or, more specifically, new customers.

Chances are, you already know the concept of fishing on the other side of the boat. Look in a different marketplace and you’ll find plenty [...]

July 31, 2014
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