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Running a specialist business – the taste of success

Working in an established field, and selling products which people can get in lots of other places, is a challenge; but running a specialist business can be even more trying. Agenda is proud to work with Aidan Monks at Lovingly Artisan, and has seen this business reach new heights.

Aidan has been an artisan baker for a number of years, and has braved the vagaries of the surprisingly competitive world of bakery with aplomb. When you’re running a specialist business, you have to focus on the details: your products and services are under intense scrutiny, so you can’t take anything for granted. Bread trends come and go, but Aidan’s commitment to innovation is one of the real strengths of his business.

This passion for his work has paid off handsomely, as Aidan won numerous awards in the 2014 Tiptree World Bread Awards, including the Real Bread Campaign and The Tiptree Showstopper among many others. His dedication to creating delicious bread that’s different from anything else out there, whilst remaining marketable and commercially successful, is a great example for anyone considering running a specialist business.

Agenda would like to congratulate Aidan on his success at the World Bread Awards. Take a look at Lovingly Artisan’s website for more details on how Aidan’s passion for running a specialist business has etched his name in the baking annals of fame!

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