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Running a niche business

Running a niche business

For many people, suited-and-booted corporate life isn’t an appealing prospect. They want creativity (although some would argue that there’s plenty of creative potential even in the starchiest-looking business world…), they want dynamism, they want to do things their way. For people like this, running a niche business is the answer – a small enterprise where they retain close control over [...]

June 25, 2015
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Why a business plan is important

Why a business plan is important

We live in an age of entrepreneurship. The abundance of business resources and new opportunities out there means that everywhere you turn, it seems like everyone and his auntie is launching The Next Big Thing. But just having an idea isn’t enough, so it’s time to explore why a business plan is important.

The process of developing a business plan is [...]

March 18, 2015
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Starting a business

Starting a business effectively

The question of how to start a business with confidence and an eye on the long-term plan is a difficult one. Many people think you can find a niche, jump into it and dash along the path to success… the reality of starting a business is rather different.

The first question to ask when you consider starting a business is, are [...]

October 14, 2014
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