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Embracing Change under the New UK Government

The recent change in the UK government has the potential to bring about both challenges and opportunities for businesses.

It also reminds us of the need to respond to change; to stay competitive and thrive, businesses must embrace change and adapt accordingly. In this blog, we will discuss the importance managing change effectively in business, provide some strategies on how to [...]

July 14, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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The Power of a Strong Employer Brand

In today’s competitive job market, a strong employer brand can significantly impact the success of any organisation. You only need to look as far as The Post Office scandal for a stark reminder of the wide-reaching impact any damage to an employer’s brand can be.

Working to develop and enhance a strong employer brand serves as a powerful tool to attract [...]

July 3, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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The Case for Staff Retention

In today’s competitive business environment, staff retention has become more important than ever. The cost of staff turnover can be significant, and with wages being higher than they have ever been, these costs are getting higher. Retaining talented employees is key for organisations to maintain profitability and continuity.

Here we look at some of the key factors involved and they can [...]

May 14, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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Tradition: Time for a Change?

Spring is synonymous with change – and among the many things in nature we see developing at this time of year, we also see the onset of lighter evenings after the clocks go forward. This got us thinking about the traditions we follow, almost without thinking!

In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in routine and keep [...]

April 16, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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Fix the Roof While the Sun is Shining

At long last, it finally feels like spring is here! Spring brings a sense of renewal and opportunity – not least for businesses.

It is a time to reflect on past performance and set new goals for the future. Why wait for issues to develop when you can fix the roof while the sun is shining!

In this blog post, we will [...]

March 11, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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Share the Love: How to Harness Positive Client Reviews

Does your business’ reputation precede itself, or are you the best-kept secret in your industry? Many businesses have lots of happy clients but they’re not always good at telling other people about it!

In today’s digital age, online reviews are a powerful tool, when used effectively. Positive client reviews have the power to not only enhance a company’s reputation but also [...]

February 5, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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Business Planning for the New Year

January is seen as the time to make plans and set goals for the year. It makes perfect sense; with a fresh 12 months ahead of you, it’s a perfect time to assess your business and make plans for growth.

In this blog post, we will discuss the key areas to prioritise when business planning and how you can effectively approach [...]

January 24, 2024
Rachel Mallett
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The Gift of Giving: Strengthening Business Relationships for a Prosperous New Year

As the festive season approaches, it is a perfect time to reflect on the essence of giving and goodwill. In the business world, this sentiment extends beyond traditional gift-giving and holds the potential to strengthen relationships with employees, clients, suppliers, and colleagues. By embracing the spirit of giving in the following ways, businesses can create a positive impact on their [...]

December 1, 2023
Rachel Mallett
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How to do Black Friday Right!

Black Friday, the biggest shopping event of the year, is just around the corner. While traditionally associated with retail, this day of discounts and deals presents an excellent opportunity for service businesses to boost their sales and engage with customers.

Here we look at how service businesses can effectively use promotions at any time of the year!

Limited time deals

Promotions can be [...]

November 16, 2023
Rachel Mallett
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Recovery Planning for Your Business

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, unexpected events and crises have become more frequent than ever before. From natural disasters to economic downturns and pandemics, businesses across the globe have faced numerous challenges that have severely impacted their operations. In light of these uncertainties, recovery planning has emerged as a vital strategic approach to ensure business continuity and future-proofing.

In [...]

October 11, 2023
Rachel Mallett
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